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DOH7 Hopes ‘Total Eradication’ of Illegal Drugs



Despite of the soaring volume of illegal drug victims in the country, the government still hopes this will be prevented and controlled, according to an officer of the Department of Health (DOH)7 on Monday.

Myrna Nuñez, DOH7 health program researcher during the AGIO Forum held at DOH7 said “We are not closing our enthusiasm that this dilemma will halt once our government agencies and stake holders will be united with each other in fighting drug lords and drug dealers.”

Nuñez said they are not giving up their hope that someday illegal drugs will totally be eradicated.

“And if not, the high it soars, the high the crime rates will be observed”, Nuñez added.

Her statement was in relation to the celebration of drug prevention and control on the month of November.

Ask if how she assessed the present trend of illegal drugs’ proliferation and its victims who are doing rehabilitation at the different centers in the province, she said she always use the “if ” word.

“Well I’m always using the word “if”, which means if all government agencies like Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Philippine National Police (PNP), local government units (LGUs) and other related agencies are just sincere in their mission to curb this problem, I don’t see any reason for this vice to go on”, she said.

Being the witnessed how the illegal drug victims are being treated and taking cared of by DOH health workers at the drug rehabilitation centers in the province, Nuñez said this is the only ideal place for them to go, if they want to be cured.

Nuñez also noted how difficult for the DOH workers to deal with people who are affected with illegal drugs where others are acting like a small child, while there are others who cannot sleep in the evening and some are talking to themselves alone.

Nuñez said the government runs two drug rehabilitation centers now, one in the municipality of Argao, and the other one is at the Eversely Child Sanitarium Hospital in Jagobiao, Mandaue City.

She said there are more than 70 male patients who are treated in Argao rehabilitation center, and 42 female patients at the Eversely Child Sanitarium Hospital with a minimum payment of P7,000 a month each.

She also said the the youngest patient is 17 years old while the oldest is 70, and they are dealing these patients day and night.

However, Nuñez explained that they are only allowed to admit drug patients upon the recommendations of the proper authorities from the local courts.

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