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Youth Orgs in Cebu Urged to Register



With its commitment to make this Queen City of the Philippines as a community of young servant leaders, the city government here led by Mayor Michael Lopez Rama through its Cebu City Youth Development Commission or CCYDC launched the Youth Organizations United or YOU registration program.

In an interview with the BARUGG News, CCYDC executive director Jocelyn Briones-Avila shared that all Youth Organizations from different sectors such as Young Professionals, Barangay-based, Church-based, Civic and Advocacy-based youth groups, among several others in the 80 barangays of this city are encouraged to register their organization to be counted and recognized by the city.

Avila further underscored that the YOU registration program aims to have a data base of all Youth Organizations in the City of Cebu to have a strong linkage with the various youth programs and projects.

Registration forms are available in the CCYDC Office located at the 3rd Floor of Legislative Building in Cebu City Hall, in the respective Barangay Halls and Student Affairs Office in the different schools in the city. Accomplished registration form will be submitted in the CCYDC Office and the registration date will be from October 15 to November 20 this year.

Furthermore, to know more about the YOU registration program, interested youth groups can brows the CCYDC Official Facebook page or contact CCYDC telephone number 412-1774 and look for Cathy or Ralph. (Cebu City Public Information Office PIO/Greggy Jiggs P. Senados)

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