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Plentina Wealth Shares the Importance of AI in Investing at CBM 2023



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With article intelligence (AI) now in full stride, how could it help us manage our wealth? Plentina Wealth who joined this year’s Cebu Business Month (CBM) Tech Summit last August 17 to 18, 2023, shared the benefits of AI in terms of wealth management.

Over 500 participants from different sectors such as startups, businesses, investors, students, and representatives from local and national governmental and business organizations have queued in this Tech Summit with its central theme #IT4ALL.

The panel discussion centered around the topic “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Navigating through the Changes and Challenges of New Technologies.” This session brought experts in different technologies to share their valuable insights into the evolving landscape of technology and its implications for leadership and business growth.

One of the panelists, Earl Valencia, Co-founder and Chief Business Officer of Plentina, talked about the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and leadership. He emphasized that future leaders should understand and harness the transformative power of AI.

“As leaders, it’s incumbent upon us to consider how we equip our workforce with relevant skills, how we ensure the larger ecosystem keeps pace, and how we manage and trust the data in an AI-driven landscape,” said Valencia.

Valencia also introduced the Plentina Wealth platform, a groundbreaking digital global wealth management tool built on Plentina’s unique robo-advisory technology.

He also challenged his audience with a thought-provoking question about the Phillipines’ potential to not just adapt to this new technology but to lead other nations in the development of AI. He emphasized the significance of leaders actively engaging with these new technologies due to their potential to shape the future.

Valencia was also joined by other esteemed panelists who shared their insights and expertise in investment and education, namely Xavier Marzan from f(dev) Filinvest and Joel Santos from Thames International. They also added depth and diversity to the conversation. (ASC)





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