Blockbuster movie action star Vin Diesel, who propelled to worldwide stardom with the adrenaline-boosting film franchise “Fast and the Furious” stars in his latest explosively original...
As soon as she saw my latest painting, Rose gasped and purred, “Please paint me a rainbow with musical notes.” Music is an integral part of...
Laoag City (PNA) — Vice presidential candidate Sen. Ferdinand “Bong Bong” Marcos, Jr. calls for “One Ilocos Norte” once again for his campaign in the 2016 elections...
Four areas in Luzon is now under public storm warning signal PSWS no. 3 as typhoon “Lando” maintained its intensity and continues to increase its threat...
1337 Ventures (pronounced “leet ventures”) in collaboration with Department of Science & Technology of Philippines brings its idea validation programme, Alpha Startups to the Philippines region...
For highly-mobile business travellers, the perfect hotel must exhibit a fine balance between sophistication and simplicity; it must have a classy ambience with a low-key and...
More than P16 million worth of infrastructure and farm equipment will be turned over to the towns in Camotes Island on Oct. 20. Fishery devices taken...
Balance is an important part of leading a healthy fulfilled life and it’s just as important for our pets. To help make nutritious choices on behalf...
Washington (PNA/Xinhua) — Pluto is a “fascinating” world with a diverse range of landforms such as smooth plains, ice mountains and bladelike ridges, according to the...
Davao City (PNA) — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte filed Thursday his Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for mayor, finally ending all speculations he would eventually plunge into the...
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