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Gullas: 15th Congress may not Approve Postponement of Barangay polls



With only a few sessions left, the 15th Congress may not be able to tackle the proposals postponing the barangay polls this year, said Rep. Eduardo R. Gullas (1st district).

Gullas, in a press conference today, said there are several bills filed for the barangay elections’ postponement, but all these are referred to the Rules Committee, and from there, if approved, will have to get through plenary hearings.

“With only three days left after the elections, I doubt if these bills will be passed in Congress, if ever,” said the veteran lawmaker.

Gullas, however, said if President Aquino, who has reportedly pushed for the postponement, would insist, and if the Liberal Party would dominate in the 16th Congress, then it would be likely that the barangay elections, which the Constitution has set on October this year, would happen in 2016, as the President had earlier hinted.

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