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DSWD Bares Criteria for Food Distribution in Bohol



To guide the field office in the targeting of family beneficiaries for the third round of food distribution in earthquake-hit areas in Bohol, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) sets criteria in the selection of families who need continued assistance who will be included in the list of recipients.

Leah Tagala Quintana, DSWD7 Regional Information Officer said that based on the criteria, those who will be included in the third round of food distribution are the food insecure families, meaning those families staying in transition shelters, families with at least one vulnerable member such as pregnant and lactating, with chronic illness, with disability, senior citizen, single-headed families; and families with at least one child below six (6) years old.

Quintana added that based on the instructions from DSWD Assistant Secretary for Operations and Programs Group Camilo Gudmalin , it was learned that for families who are able to stand on their own will not be included in general food distribution but they will be targeted for early recovery activities such as food/cash-for-work.

According to Quintana, it was mentioned by Gudmalin that selection process based on the criteria shall include the conduct of joint assessment by DSWD and the local government unit to determine the number of families who are able to stand on their own and those who need assistance.

This government’s project is a short term process to help and rescue those who are found in a temporary distress due to the effect of super typhoon Yolanda.

However, those who have already showed their quick recovery from the dreaded situation after their houses and everything at home were collapsed and vanished by the typhoon, will immediately be relieved by the government for them to handle their own responsibilities, Quintana said.

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