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Cebu Province’s First Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Made Available in CPH-Carcar



Fulfilling the promise of prioritizing health services by improving Cebu’s hospitals, Gov. Hilario P. Davide III led the opening yesterday of the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Cebu Provincial Hospital-Carcar City, the first hospital in the province to ever be equipped with an ICU.

“First sa Sugbo (provincial hospitals) nga duna na kita’y ICU,” Davide said in his speech during the launch last March 13 of the Medical ICU and Neonatal ICU located at the hospital’s second floor.

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Davide narrated that in his first days in office, he organized a stakeholders’ summit where majority specified health services as a need.

“Niabot na ta aning tungora ug di na ta mo-undang sa atong tinguha nga kalambuan sa matag Sugbuanon,” said Davide, which was met with loud applause from the audience.

Davide was joined during the ribbon-cutting by Provincial Board (PB) Members Raul Bacaltos, Yolly Daan and Christopher Baricuatro and Provincial Health Office (PHO) head Dr. Rene Catan.

“First sa Sugbo nga duna na kita’y ICU. Niabot na ta aning tungora ug di na ta mo-undang sa atong tinguha nga kalambuan sa matag Sugbuanon.” 

– Governor Hilario P. Davide III

According to Provincial Hospital chief Dr. Mario Joyag Jr., patients with severe and life-threatening conditions needing intensive medical attention would no longer have to be rushed to hospitals in Cebu City since CPH-Carcar can cater to them.

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Hospital Clinic Chief Desiree Abarquez said the ICU for babies and grown-ups are equipped with monitors and gadgets amounting to P20.738 million. These equipment include mechanical ventilators for babies and adults, defibrillators, cardiac monitors, incubators, infusion pumps, syringe pumps and suction machines, to name a few.

During the launch and blessing, Davide visited the first ICU patients: a 75-year-old grandmother and a newborn baby, both suffering from an infection.

Apart from the new equipment and improved services, Davide assured for more and better health services, especially for indigents.

The Provincial Government, through the PHO, recently introduced the free total knee-cap surgery and cataract surgery for indigents.

Last March 7, two beneficiaries of the total knee cap replacement, Roberta Tanodtanod, 73, and Felicisima Abian, 62, were among the audience. Both surgeries were done in CPH-Carcar and performed by Dr. Catan, who is also an orthopedic surgeon.

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