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CDC Ok’s P5-B Projects for Cebu



The Cebu City Development Council (CDC) has endorsed some P5 billion worth of infrastructure, economic, and social projects to the Regional Development Council (RDC) 7 for its approval.

The amount includes PHP3.374 billion for various infrastructure projects, PHP114.7 million for programs, activities, and projects (PAPs), and PHP1.5 billion for the full implementation of K to 12 program next year.

Once the RDC 7 approves the PHP5 billion worth of project proposals, it will then be endorsed to the national government for funding allocation.

But the PHP70 million proposed budget for the 2016 Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP) is yet to be endorsed, pending the review of the Cebu City Council.

Cebu City Councilor Margarita Osmeña, who attended the CDC full council meeting on Monday, said the LPRAP has not been referred to the council for perusal.

“We want to know what this is all about. We can’t approve and endorse something to RDC that we don’t know about,” she said.

Osmeña said that projects have to be carefully reviewed to avoid duplication.

“About PHP50 million of the proposed LPRAP budget will be funded by the national government, while the local government unit will shoulder the PHP20 million for next year’s annual investment plan,” said Engineer Oscar Abordo, acting CDC secretary and project evaluation officer of the City Planning and Development Office.

Abordo said that the list of projects passed through the Department of Engineering and Public Works’ evaluation and assessment. (PNA) FFC/EB/EDS

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