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Keep Your Haunted Home Safe for Halloween



Eerie sounds, spooky lights and jack-o’-lanterns aglow—extra efforts at Halloween will keep visitors coming back for both tricks and treats. However, to keep the fun going, it’s important to plan your home’s scary set-up with safety in mind.

To keep your house from being haunted with potential insurance woes, Wayne Ross, an insurance and claims expert for Aviva Canada, offers some Halloween preparation tips for preventing fires:

Practice fire safety: When setting up spooky electrical decorations and lighting, ensure that electrical outlets are not overloaded. Consider battery or solar powered jack-o’-lanterns.

Make sure your walkways are safe: Although darkness may set the Halloween mood, keep walkways well lit and obstruction-free to reduce the risk of injury and allow many goblins to walk through simultaneously.

“It is the responsibility of homeowners to make sure their property is safe for visitors during the Halloween festivities,” states Ross. “By taking some precautions, homeowners can join in the celebrations and enjoy a safe night of fun with their families.”

More detailed information is available at

Image Credit: Newscanada

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