5-Move Partner Workout
Who says Valentine’s is all about a celebration with your partner where you just eat in fine dining restaurants, receive chocolates and/or flowers, bond in a romantic park somewhere or others? You can also do something unique in this season–get fit and healthy–with your mate of course! Here are 5-move partner workout which can boost you and your love one’s energy, at the same time enjoy it.
1: Partner Squats
Works the abs, butt, hips, and thighs.
1: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Face your partner and hold hands.
2: Both partners at same time: without letting go, lean back as though you’re sitting down into a chair.
3: Keep weight in the heels as you squat down, and try to sit so that the thighs are almost parallel to the floor.
4: Stay low for 5 seconds, then push back up to starting position.
Repeat 10 to 15x times.
2: Partner Lunges
Works the glutes, hamstrings, core, balance, and inner thigh stabilizing muscles.
1: Start facing each other, and hold hands.
2: One partner at a time: start by lifting your right leg off the floor.
3: Then bend your left leg into a lunge position and extend your right leg back, never letting it touch the floor.
4: Get as low as you can with your left leg, attempting to bring the thigh parallel to the floor.
5: Keep all energy in your left heel, keep your core engaged, and then push back up to starting position. Repeat, keeping right foot off floor.
Perform move 10 to 15x, then switch legs and repeat; then switch partners and repeat.
3: Lower Ab Leg Throw
Works the lower rectus abdominis, psoas, upper rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis.
1: Start with one person standing. The other lies down on their back, so that his or her head falls between the standing partner’s ankles, and grips hands around the ankles.
2: The partner on the floor: Bring your legs up to the sky and parallel to your partner’s body. Try to keep the legs together and as straight as possible.
3: The standing partner then pushes your feet down toward the floor, as you keep your back connected to the floor and push legs back up toward the sky.
4: Repeat. To work the obliques, have partner push legs down toward the sides at an angle.
Perform move 1 full minute, then switch partners and repeat.
4: Seated Towel Rows
Works the upper and lower back, biceps, rhomboids, and hamstrings; it also gives you a dynamic stretch in the lower back and hamstrings.
1: Both partners sit down facing each other, with legs slightly bent and hip-width apart, and soles of feet touching. Sit up straight, pull abs in as you keep the chest up and shoulders down.
2: One partner holds both edges of a towel creating a “U” shape, while the other grips the middle of the towel with both hands.
3: The partner holding the edges begins to pull towel toward his or her chest as the other provides moderate resistance, so that the movement lasts about 3 to 4 seconds. The goal is to pull the elbows behind the body while squeezing the shoulder blades together.
Perform move 10 to 15x, then switch partners and repeat.
5: Planks with Body Weight
This exercise works abs, arms legs, and “six-pack.”
1: One partner comes into a plank on the forearms. Elbows should be directly underneath shoulders, and shoulder-width apart. Keep the legs straight and strong, and the core pulled in tight. The body should look like a table.
2: Once in position, the other partner gently sits some of his or her weight on your back and keeps it there.
3: Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Repeat the entire routine two more times, for a total of three sets.
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