“Cebu City is Globally Competitive and Ecologically Balanced City where People are Safe, Healthy, and have Equitable Opportunities for Success and Happiness,” this is the new...
“Continue to listen to the poor and enable health groups.” These are the insights shared by Cebu Governor Hilario P. Davide III and 8 other governors...
Several high-tech companies are teaming up on a plan to put a mobile phone network on the moon next year. Vodaphone Germany, Nokia, and Audi are...
Cebu City Mayor Tommy Osmeña stressed that what he is doing is “provide the service to the people and people will judge you to the service...
A fire torched a sectarian establishment along the south-bound lane of N. Bacalso Ave., Tabunok, Talisay City The fire in Mary’s Little Children Community was reported...
A helicopter crashed in New York City’s East River on Sunday, killing at least two people, according to police. “A helicopter earlier this evening descended into...
A total of 67,300 senior citizens are slated to receive their financial assistance for the month of March, this year in the amount of P1,000 each....
As talks between Pyongyang and Seoul start to yield results, experts on Wednesday urged the White House not to rock the boat. The Democratic People’s Republic...
Concert at the Park celebrates Women Empowerment as it showcases different folk dances reflecting the strength and dynamism of Filipino women. The event, which is in...
While Congress has yet to pass a law regulating political dynasties, President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s consultative committee (Con-com) has begun contemplating its own provisions to regulate...
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