On September 20, 2018, a vast number of lives were taken away by the devastating landslide in Sitio Sindulan, Barangay Tina-an in the City of Naga...
Talisay City Mayor Gerald Anthony “Samsam” Gullas met with all Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) chairmen/women in different Barangays in the city to discuss potential projects for the...
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Wednesday announced the Metro Rail Transit-7 (MRT-7) will be partially operational by 2021 following its concessionaire’s report of the project...
A graduate from the University of San Carlos (USC) is the lone topnotcher from the Visayas region in the Interior Design Board Exam Results held last...
During this year’s commemoration of National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week, the Department of Social Welfare and Development in Central Visayas (DSWD)-7 assisted various Persons With...
After a fire broke in Barangay Gun-ob on Saturday, July 13, Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go personally distributed financial and relief assistance to the fire victims...
YouthWorks PH, the youth employability project of the United States Agency for International Development and the Philippine Business for Education, is looking for qualified youth for...
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co.(Metrobank) guarantees customers’ satisfaction through the new communication campaign called “Meaningful Banking”. The media conference was held at the I.T. Center 2...
The CCCI congratulates its President, Virgilio “Nonoy” G. Espeleta, for bagging this year’s Movers & Shakers Award in the Asia Human Resources Development (HRD) Awards 2019,...
NNCR7 HRH for NutritionCebu City – Twenty-Six (26) Human Resource for Health (HRH) under the Nutrition Deployment Program took oath last 02 July 2019 at the...
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