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Regenestem Cebu: Your Total Wellness Center



The Global Stem Cell Group (GSCG), an international company whose goal is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date cell treatments, opened its 2nd medical clinical branch of Regenestem in the Philippines and in Asia. Cebu is proud to have Dr. Roderick Yalung –a successful medical consultant from Regenestem in Miami, Florida, USA and the present Medical Director of GSCG- choose this island as its next beneficiary.

Regenestem offers Cosmetic Surgery, Regenerative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Pain Management, Molecular Orthopedics, and Cell-Based Therapy. Cell-Based Therapy utilizes the patient’s own growth factor, stimulates its collagen production which then results to naturally youthful looking skin. Basically, this therapy uses the body’s natural functions for the patient’s benefit.

Their other treatments include: structural Rhinoplasty, face lift, chin, cheek, breast and butt augmentation, liposuction, medical facials and chemical peelings to botox and filler and many others.

Premiere, safe and technologically-advanced, Regenestem is a prime medical center under which experienced doctors and medical staff work. One of this company’s premium perks is the patient’s freedom to facilitate or organize his/her treatment in any of the branches worldwide. These branches include Manila, USA, Mexico, Dubai, Argentina and Chile.

Improving the physical health and welfare of an individual has been their goal. For more information please visit their site at:

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