In the latest epic family movie adventure “Ice Age: Collision Course” from the highly successful “Ice Age” franchise, audiences worldwide will be propelled to new environments...
A group consists of 48 college students, all members of Club Mega under Mega Cebu (, recently underwent training to improve their capabilities and help carry...
Information Officer Gil Genio, Sen. Bam Aquino, PLDT Director Atty. Ray Espinosa and PLDT EVP and Head of EICB Eric Alberto. Philippine telecommunications operators Globe Telecom...
Health experts are fully supportive of the plan of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte to impose additional tax on junk foods. “We support imposing sin taxes on sodas...
Rep. Rodrigo Abellanosa (Cebu City, south district) has said the construction the city’s second tunnel will push through within the year. Abellanosa, who was reelected in...
Police shot dead a suspected drug lord when he resisted arrest during a raid in his house in Sitio San Isidro, Barangay Perrelos in Carcar City...
We cannot deny that some people, especially those who work in the wee hours, rely on energy drinks to keep themselves awake and alert. Does an...
A mix of sunny and rainy weather is expected in most parts of the country on Monday due to two weather systems, according to state weather...
Once again, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) kicked off this year’s Cebu Business Month (CBM) at the Ayala Terraces last June 1 to...
Now on its 5th year, Cebu International Documentary and Film Festival (CIDFF) Curtain Raiser featured 8 previous short films as a teaser for its main event...
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