The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has created a fact-finding team tasked to investigate Peter Lim, who was earlier identified by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as...
If you were born in the 90’s and is about 19 – 28 years old now, you’re probably one of those kids who were caught in...
Live or cooked sting rays widely known as kyampaw in Cebuano are displayed in ordinary stalls and restaurants anywhere in Cebu in broad daylight. Flat sharks...
Parents should opt to feed their infants with breast milk for the first six months, followed by solid food under the basic food groups on the...
The Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc (PSMBFI) recently donated a check amounting to over P4.5 million to the Philippine National Police (PNP). PNP chief Police...
Taguig City — Newly appointed TESDA Secretary, Atty. Guiling Mamondiong announced on Wednesday that TESDA will be opening its training centers all over the country for...
President Rodrigo R. Duterte now holds the highest level of public trust since 1999. This is based on the result of the most recent Pulse Asia...
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) urged the public to register now so as to avoid long queues at COMELEC local offices during the last few days...
Nestled along the magnificent bayside of Mandaue City, Bai Hotel Cebu is set to become one of the city’s largest and most contemporary properties offering both...
Providing the public with free, reliable wireless Internet is a huge step in modernizing the country’s Internet connectivity, Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan said Wednesday after filing...
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