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Mynimo’s Happy Jobs Fair Press Conference



With the ‘happy’ theme for this year’s Mynimo Happy Jobs Fair, the event continues to make the employers and job seeker satisfied to be part of the event, stated Wesley Chiongbian, President and CEO of The Mynimo Happy Jobs Fair 2015 Press Conference was held in the Cebu Trade Hall, SM on May 21, 2015 from 2:00PM-3:00PM.

Panelists present were Mr. Wesley Chiongbian, President and CEO of, Mr. Joel Gonzales, Regional Director of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE 7), Ms. Evelia Durato, Chief of Philippine Oversees Employment of Administration (POEA 7), Hon. Sisinio Andales, City Councilor of Cebu City, Mr. Chito Recamadas, Board Member of People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP-Cebu), and Mr. Michael Godinez, JPMAP-Chairperson of PMAP-Cebu. The organizations and companies stated were official partners of the event, alongside with the Department of Manpower Development and Placement of Cebu City (DMDP Cebu City) and the Cebu City Government.


The complete set of panelist for the press conference of Mynimo Happy Jobs Fair. (Photo by Ian Quiao) was launched in Cebu in 2007, and has become the country’s most high ranking homegrown job website, earning a “Best Website in the Jobs/Employment Category” title at the Web Awards. With Happy Jobs Fair, this event aims to bring local employers and experienced job applicants to engage with different local and international companies that will be set up during the event, and with the number of international companies that will be present during the event Cebuanos will have the opportunity to working for international companies without leaving the country.

Mr. Chiongbian gave an introductory talked about who were involved with the event. He stated that 70 local and overseas employers have already signed up for the event alongside with ‘Fortune 500’ companies from the United States such as UnitedHealth Group, and JP Morgan & Chase, and Mercedes-Benz Group Services from Germany. Mr. Chiongbian also gave out graphs stating the percentages of applicant’s specialization in different fields, the age, gender, education background, and the employment status of applicants, applicants were also asked if they were willing to work in call centers and abroad. As of 2015, there was a 41% increase of job vacancies in Cebu.

Mr. Gonzales talked about DOLE and its benefit with the event. What drives DOLE to get involved with job fairs is that its manufactory is booming in Central Visayas, and it cascaded down to the stream of enterprise. DOLE also aims to help with employment, intervening of companies wanting to hire, and to find innovative ways with employment.

Councilor Andales stated he had experience with job fairs for five years, and his goal is to fight unemployment and help people get involved with jobs instead of indulging in vices. He also stated that the unemployment rate will decrease because of job fairs happening, and he is happy that such an event like Mynimo exists so that this problem could be abolished.

Ms. Durato talked about illegal recruitment, and how it cannot be supported. In POEA, she gave reports on how there was a case in the past where there were four Cebuanos who were trying to get a job outside of the country, and that POEA had to take care of that business, and learned their lesson by being choosy whenever there are immigrants who were trying to keep on coming in and out of the country just to look for a job. She also stated what makes Cebu unique is that its private sectors and government sectors work hand-in-hand for job offerings. With POEA and the Mynimo job fair, this can help solve the problem Ms. Durato stated.


Mr. Michael Godinez JPMAP Chairperson gives his speech about his partnership in Mynimo Happy Jobs Fair. (Photo by Ian Quiao)

Mr. Recamadas talked about the importance of people applying for Human Resources Manager positions. He stated that there are 2,000 members and 10 universities currently involved with PMAP-Cebu and that he wants to encourage them to apply for HR Manager positions. He also stated that millennials should be encouraged to look for jobs since they have the skills and capacity to do so.

Lastly, Mr. Godinez talked about his full support for the event, and he can see the event blooming because of the many members teaming up for this event.

The press conference ended with a question and answer portion with the panelists, and Mr. Chiongbian inviting everyone present to come by to the Happy Jobs Fair event that will happen on May 30, 2015 at the SM City Cebu Trade Hall from 10:00AM-6:00PM.

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