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Household Helpers Treated to a Day of Fun, Learning and Wellness



Around 100 household helpers in the Baguio – Benguet area  had a  day of fun, learning and free health and wellness services last  Sunday during the celebration of  the “Araw ng Kasambahay” at the City Hall  Multi – purpose Hall.

Opening the day was a “Zumba” dance exercise joined by the “Araw ng Kasambahay” technical working group.

Learning sessions followed   with the  kasambahays,  some with their family members and others with their employers,   got to know  more  about their rights and welfare and government programs and services that they can avail with resource persons coming from the Social Security System, PAGIBIG, Philhealth, Employees Compensation Commission, Occupational Safety and Hazard, and the Department of Interior and Local Government.

In coordination with the Department of Health, there were free medical check –ups and medicines, and in partnership with TESDA free wellness services like manicure, pedicure and massage were provided to the participants. There were also government service booths set up by the partner government agencies.

For the fun part, the search for the “Idol Kasambahay”, 10 participants showed off their wits in a question and answer portion. The top three finishers won trophy and cash prizes and a crown for “Idol Kasambahay” winner.

The participants went home with giveaway bags that include hygiene kit.

The Department of Labor and Employment, in partnership with the Baguio Public Employment Service Office and other regional line agencies made all these activities possible.

Now on its fifth year, the  “Araw ng Kasambahay” aims to give recognition to the important role of household or domestic workers as member of the formal labor sector in ensuring welfare and development in  homes,  families and  communities, DOLE – CAR Labor and Employment Officer Julienne Fortunato explained.

The observance is by virtue of Republic Act 10361 or the Domestic Welfare Act of 2011. Said law  defines Kasambahayas  as either general househelp (katulong), nursemaid (yaya), cook, gardener, laundry person, any working children or domestic workers 15 years or older but not over the age of 18 or anyone who regularly performs domestic work in one household on an occupational basis, also known as live out arrangement.  (JDP/CCD-PIA CAR) 

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