Fast Food? Think Again
In a world where time and money are of the essence, we tend to think less about the environment and of our health especially how much it suffers when we sacrifice it for immediate food otherwise known as fast food.
We know it’s bad for us yet we still keep on eating it. But we can’t help it right? The burgers and fries paired with soft drinks are just tastier, faster not to mention cheaper than the fancy healthy food out there. It saves time and money it’s totally worth it. Wrong.
These kinds of food are monsters and time bombs. They devour the integrity of your health and when the clock hits zero, they cause all sorts of deadly diseases.
You might think that the damage it gives only manifests itself in the long run but studies have shown that these monsters and time bombs you call fast food can actually cause immediate damage to you. According to a study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, immediate damage to the arteries occurs just after one junk-food type meal. Talk about fast food! It decreases the endothelial function by lessening the dilation of the arteries by 24 percent. This decline in endothelial function can lead to atherosclerosis- the hardening of the arteries and thus increase the risk of heart disease.
Fast food also increases a child’s average sugar, total fat and sodium intake. It likewise raises the risk of childhood allergies such as asthma, eczema and rhinitis.(Image credit:
Children just love fast food and the toys that come with every happy meal and kiddie meal. While adolescent teenagers just love eating out in fast food chains because it fits the budget. You want what’s best for your kids right? If yes, then ban fast food from their lives.
According to a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, children and adolescents both consume more calories and fewer nutrients for the rest of the day after eating at fast food restaurants and the like. Fast food also increases their average sugar, total fat and sodium intake. It’s not only fast; its effects linger for quite some time. Also, according to another study published in the Thorax, fast food also raises the risk of childhood allergies such as asthma, eczema and rhinitis. Better lay off the kiddie and happy meals.
Nothing beats depression than a double cheeseburger or a quarter pounder with fries right? Well eating might help in relieving depression but eating fast food actually just makes it worse. Scientists have found out that fast food increases the risk for depression by more than 50 percent. The trans-fats in fast food not only increase the risk of heart disease but they also interfere with the proper functioning of chemical neurotransmitters in the brain and alter the normal electrical activity essential for intercellular signaling.
So there you have it. Those mentioned above are just some of the dangers of fast food. There’s a long list out there if you’re still not convinced. Anyway, the next time you get hungry; grab a sandwich instead of the old greasy burger and save time, money and health in the long run. (Curated by Daryll Arcayan)
Sources: FitDay, ScienceDaily, NaturalNews, Huffingtonpost
Photo above: Fast food decreases the endothelial function by lessening the dilation of the arteries by 24 percent, which leads to atherosclerosis–the hardening of the arteries and thus increase the risk of heart disease. (Image credit: