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Eddie Garcia Left Indelible Mark on Pinoys’ Hearts: Palace



Malacañang on Friday paid tribute to the late veteran actor Eddie Garcia, noting that he left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of Filipinos with an acting career spanning seven decades.

In a statement, Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo extended the Palace’s condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, fans, and loved ones of the late screen icon.

Panelo also cited Garcia’s achievement as the only Filipino inducted in three categories in the FAMAS Hall of Fame as Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Director.

“It is a heartbreaking loss for the entertainment industry, which he dearly loved. ‘Manoy’ died with his boots on, in a manner of speaking, doing what he loved most – acting,” he said.

Panelo likewise prayed for Garcia’s eternal repose.

“As we pay tribute — and give honor to — his lifetime works, we pray to the Almighty to grant him eternal repose, and that perpetual light may shine upon him,” he said.

Garcia passed away on Thursday afternoon after being in a coma for 12 days. He was 90.

Garcia suffered a neck cervical fracture while shooting a TV series for broadcast giant GMA Network on June 8 and had been in critical condition since then.

The multi-awarded actor, film director, and producer appeared in more than 600 films and television shows, leaving behind a huge legacy in show business spanning 70 years. (PNA)

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