DTI 7 Conducts Seminar on Export Competitiveness
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 7 on Monday conducted a seminar on export competitiveness with local exporters at Harolds Hotel in Cebu City.
DTI Provincial chief Nelia Navarro said the event is in line with the Philippines Export Competitiveness program which is aimed at helping local exporters in developing their productivity, and teaching them to be innovative and competitive in their field.
“This is just one of a series of seminars which will address issues and concerns identified by exporters and those that promote exporting business,” she said.
Navarro said exporters should learn from various topics like ASEAN Self-Certification, Introduction to ASEAN Integration, Duty Drawback, Tax Credit for Exporters and How to prevent Export-Trade Complaints. Navarro said the topics are given to participants during the whole-day event.
DTI 7 invited not only exporters but also those who want to join the field, including other stakeholders like freight forwarders, customs brokers and other export stakeholders and enablers.