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Did You Know That You Can Use ShopeePay to Send Money to any Bank or e-Wallet For Free?



We already know how easy it is to send money online—all it takes is a few taps on your phone and you’re done. Convenient and ideal, right? Yes, but only if you’re sending money to someone with the same bank account or e-wallet as yours, or else you need to pay extra fees. That’s not very practical so here comes ShopeePay, Shopee’s integrated mobile wallet, that actually lets you send money to any bank, e-wallet, or Shopee user for free, with no hidden fees. Yes, you read that right.

It’s inconvenient to create and maintain multiple apps just to avoid additional transaction fees. To minimize the hassle, all you need is ShopeePay, which is part of the Shopee app—simply activate and verify your ShopeePay account.

With ShopeePay, enjoy free and instant bank transfers with 40+ banks and e-wallet partners, including the country’s major banks like BDO, Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), Metrobank, Security Bank, UnionBank, and more. With this integrated service, you no longer need to jump from one app to another to make your fund transfers.

Activate ShopeePay now and start enjoying its benefits. Download Shopee for free through the App Store or Google Play.

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