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Cooking Demo at the Food Exhibit



Graduates of the Philippine School of Culinary Arts K-12 program held a cooking demo on the second day of the OURFood exhibit.

Its recipes used only organically grown vegetables from PhilGap certified farms such as Bukidnon Organic Farmers Association (BOFA), Patag Farmers Integrated Society Forestry Association (PaFISFA), Iliranan Tribal Council (ITC).

There were two cooking demos of Filipino dishes from two separate schools. The K-12 graduates of Barrio Luz National High School presented the methods in cooking fresh lumpia -from wrapper to filling- and fresh garden salad. The Banilad Center for Professional Development demonstrated how to create the perfect Bicol express and pinakbet.

The OURFood Seminar and Exhibit were co-organized with AFOS, Department of Science and Technology, and Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This food exhibit was a testament to the support of these institutions to the K-12 Project.

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