Following the success of the first season of Suburra, the series – the first original Italian Netflix crime thriller produced by Cattleya in collaboration with Rai Fiction and...
Facebook co-founder and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg apologized Sunday in full-page ads in nine major British and U.S. newspapers for the massive “breach of trust”...
Apple debuts a Spring collection of bands with vibrant colors and unique designs. This season’s updates include Woven Nylon bands with a fresh stripe that alternates...
Marine scientists are currently developing a new weapon to protect Australia’s picturesque Great Barrier Reef from coral bleaching, and so far early laboratory tests have shown...
U.S. social media giant Facebook will get stricter regulations from the German government, German Justice Minister Katarina Barley said Monday after meeting with Facebook representatives here....
Cognitive neuroscientists are using the newly-developed artificial intelligence networks to enhance the understanding of one of the most elusive intelligence systems from which they learned: the...
Of the hundreds of millions of people around the world who enjoy games on Google Play, 49% are women, yet only 23% of game developers identify...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Wednesday that his company has made mistakes in a data leak that caused grave concern about user privacy possibly abused...
Following her 18th birthday, teen celebrity Bianca Umali flew to Marawi to bond with children in World Vision’s child-friendly spaces. Bianca was named youth ambassador for...
foodpanda, the on-demand food delivery platform in the country, and McDonald’s are now partners in making meal time delivery more convenient for consumers. Starting March 21,...
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