The untitled, in-production sequel to James Cameron’s original Terminator films has just revealed its first look photo with three women looking badass and ready for battle...
Our three-in-one (Egypt-Israel-Jordan) Holy Land Pilgrimage Tour has been a very memorable experience for the 95 Filipinos who went into this tour together. We were on...
“The Darkest Minds” will be the first live-action film for director Jennifer Yuh Nelson, best known for her work on the Kung Fu Panda franchise. The...
Age-old secrets rooted in the paranormal are about to be revealed in the thrilling book-to-movie “Down A Dark Hall” starring Uma Thurman and Anna Sophia Robb....
Google’s new Daydream View Headset allows its user to navigate the Internet with virtual reality (VR), and at a very low price. Priced at 100 USD,...
In other countries, you only have to worry about beating the heat for two to three months of summertime; in the Philippines, we have to brave...
When you reach a certain age and meet with friends of your generation, one of the topics of conversation would be maintenance medicines. Most times, it...
While industry and law enforcement agencies from around the world are busy fighting against cybercrime, criminals themselves are constantly looking for new ways of earning money...
Visionary filmmakers James Cameron and Jon Landau (Avatar, Titanic) push the boundaries of filmmaking technology anew in their latest groundbreaking film “Alita: Battle Angel” that stars...
Lenovo, the world’s leading PC manufacturer recently opened its 20th concept store in the Philippines and the second one in Cebu City, located at the third...
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