The planet Earth is facing an existential crisis due to climate change, and it’s up to everyone to take responsibility and contribute to making the world...
Filipinos have a lot of misconceptions when it comes to generic medicines, according to a survey. The study found that more than 70% of respondents in...
Nespresso is renowned for bringing the best aspects of coffee, including coziness, convenience, and café-quality, into homes. Their latest range takes coffee enthusiasts back to the...
2GO Travel, the Philippines’ leading sea travel provider, is offering travelers a fantastic opportunity to explore the country’s beautiful islands with its P99 Sea Sale, which...
We often find ourselves pulled in different directions, with multiple tasks vying for our attention in the fast-paced world that we live in. This leads to...
(NC) Anyone who has kids knows how hard it can be to get everyone to put down their phones, enjoy each other’s company and have a...
The ongoing debate over who has better navigational skills, men or women, has been a topic of discussion for a long time. While it is generally...
Seeds are often an overlooked component of a healthy diet, but they shouldn’t be. These tiny powerhouses are packed with essential nutrients and health benefits that...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) account for over 30% of deaths in the Philippines in 2021. These diseases, including heart disease,...
Drinking a cup of coffee has been a staple to Filipinos to the point where we drink a hot cup of coffee even during the heat...
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