In the past, the only way to post an Instagram photo on a Web page was to upload and post the photo directly. This wasn’t a...
Healthy habits for strong hair are needed to keep the hair looking beautiful and attractive that adds to the beauty of a woman. Girls with long...
Dropbox is one of the more popular cloud-based syncing and storage tools, and offers Mac users a convenient way to transfer files from one system to...
Apple tree and humans have a long traced history to which we all connect in one or the other way. No doubt apple is said to...
Moctar Dembele and Gerard Niyondiko, both from Africa, won the Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) this year. The competition is participated globally by vying entrepreneurs who...
A dazzling evening filled each guest, colleague and partner of Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) as it culminated its Cebu Business Month 2013 (CBM...
Many people see owning a pet as a big responsibility, which it definitely is. What might not be as obvious is that owning a pet is...
Soft, healthy pink lips lend a fresh look to your face. If you’re looking for juicy, luscious lips, read on.
The early morning dew glistens adorning the tapestry of God’s garden. Dawn gracefully spreads her wings and with joy declares His loving kindness. The rising sun...
It’s hard to keep the long-term in mind when you’re surrounded by short-term rewards. Here’s how to live for tomorrow by making smarter choices today.
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