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Test Your Financial Knowledge



Are these statements true or false?

1. Investing is more successful when you plan ahead.

True. Much like planning a trip, buying a home, or looking after our health, the key to successful investing is having the right information, a well-constructed plan, and the right advice.

2. Your investment advisor doesn’t need to know your personal information.

False. Your advisor will ask about your financial goals and your current circumstances, including how long you intend to leave your money invested and how comfortable you are taking risks. Are you willing to accept lower rates of return to ensure your money is safe? Or are you looking for significant growth in your money, and willing to see your holdings drop in the short-term if it gives you a better chance of earning higher returns over time? Your answers to questions like these are important and will affect the recommendations that your financial advisor gives to you.

3. Before signing up with a financial advisor, you can check whether that person and the firm are properly licensed and registered.

True. This is an important step to take when choosing a financial advisor, even if the person is recommended by a trusted friend, family member or colleague.

4. Your financial advisor can be a helpful coach.

True. Just as a personal trainer can help you build muscles, your financial advisor can help you grow your money to achieve your financial goals. Your goal could be as simple as meeting monthly expenses without relying on credit, or saving for your child’s education or for your retirement. By building a strong, open and honest relationship, your financial coach can help you find the discipline to stay on course.

To learn more, visit IFIC.CA > investor centre.

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