6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Morning Sickness
Morning sickness often affects you during the first three months. It is a sign showing that your fetus is growing healthily. But unlike its name, you can feel uncomfortable at any time of the day.
1. Drink water
No need to say, you will lose an amount of water when you have vomiting caused by morning sickness. Drinking enough water is very necessary for you to combat the sickness. It not only gives you energy but also reduces nausea. Besides, proper hydration will help in keeping your fetus healthy.
2. Apply essential oils
The aromatherapy was proven to work effectively in dealing with morning sickness. You can try applying some drops of mint, grapefruit, lemon or orange oil to lower nausea. This therapy also helps relax your mind and avoid depression.
3. Use ginger
Ginger is effective in stopping nausea gently. It helps reduce stomach-ache. You can try sipping ginger jam to get rid of morning sickness easily.
4. Allow your body to rest properly
One thing women often skip is the value of proper rest. If your are tired, you will be likely to be qualmish. If you feel uncomfortable when waking up in the morning, you should go back to your bed to relax. Taking your time to rest can help you during pregnancy.
5. Maintain healthy eating habits
While having morning sickness, you even do not want to look at foods. However, it is important for you not to keep your stomach empty because it can make you feel like vomiting. If you have trouble eating, you should enjoy some slices of bread or biscuits. You should also have some snacks with you such as grapes, nuts, cakes and mint candies.
6. Distract your mind
It is not easy at all to forget nausea, but the more attention you give it, the worse you feel. So you should try not to remember it by reading a book, chatting to a friend, solving puzzles or going for a walk. You only need to do things you can in order to forget your nausea.
Source: Ezinemark
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