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3 Homemade Facial Cleansers



Using natural ingredients is better for your skin than exposing it to harsh chemical cleansers, especially if you have sensitive skin. Making natural skincare products is easier than you think.

Raw Milk and Honey (For Dry Skin)

Milk and honey are nature’s best facial cleansers. Honey gently removes impurities from the skin, without stripping it off its natural oils. It hydrates the skin and can be used daily as a facial cleanser. Milk provides deep nourishment to the skin and makes it supple and smooth.

Combine one teaspoon of honey and half a cup of cold milk in a bowl. Soak a cotton ball and dab it on your face, forehead and neck. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and wipe it off with a dry cotton ball. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.

Cucumber and Yoghurt (For All Skin Types)

Cucumber tightens the skin and has skin lightening properties. It lightens dark spots and blemishes and leaves your skin feeling supple and fresh. Plain yogurt is a great natural cleanser, as it is rich in protein, lactic acid, and fats that clean and detoxify your skin.

Peel a cucumber and put it in a blender to extract the juice. Combine the fresh cucumber juice and 2 to 3 tablespoons of fresh yoghurt in a bowl. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Wash it off with warm water and pat dry.

Gram Flour and Turmeric (For Oily Skin)

Gram flour (besan) removes excess oil and impurities from the skin. It removes dead skin cells and makes your skin tighter and smoother. Turmeric regulates the production of sebum and gives the skin a natural glow.

Combine two tablespoons of gram flour and one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a bowl. Add enough water or milk to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your face, neck and forehead, paying special attention to your oily T-zone. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Wash it off and pat dry.

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Exfoliating grains

You can add sugar, baking soda, or oats to any of the recipes mentioned above to create a gentle exfoliating cleanser.

SEE MORE: DIY Facial Cleansers, Toners and Moisturizers


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