You’ve Got to Focus to Fight

Wrapping your head around the swelling feeling of NOT having it all together makes not having it all together feel that much more intense. The power of life and death is found in your tongue, Beautiful. Being able to see the situations you face for what they are, temporary, even if they are life-long issues, in the context of life and death they are considered temporary. Separating what is now and what is passing away with the thought of Heaven and its eternity helps us focus our minds on what’s important. Yes, this situation is a doozy, but focusing on fighting requires you to take control of the thoughts you think and the words you speak. Sometimes, not having the ability to think impacts the way we see the world. It directly impacts how we speak and how we respond. Today, we will decide to focus on fighting. We will decide to line our mouths up with the Word of Truth and determine the outcome of our day. We will choose to think life-giving thoughts and speak life-giving words. Today, we will be overcome by the power of our testimony.
{SAY THIS} Today, I will take control of my thought life. Today, I choose to focus on fighting. Today is the day that I decided to maintain control of my mind and my mouth by giving control over to the keeper of my soul. I acknowledge the hard things in my life, but I also acknowledge the power of the One who loves me more than I can even imagine. Today, I submit myself to the power of my Father’s hand. I submit my thoughts to the power of the One who holds all things in His hands. It is not by my power or by my might that my situation will change. I release the need to control the outcome of a thing and fully submit myself to the understanding of God’s perfect love and His perfect will for me. I will allow the knowledge of this to cast out all fear. Today, I am victorious. Today, I am focused.
This devotional by The Ruby Network is available at (MCN)