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Youth Urged: Take Part in Responsible Social Media Use Campaign



Over 2,000 Cebuano youths all over the province took part in the campaign on responsible social media use spearheaded by the Provincial Youth Commission (PYC).

The ongoing campaign started last September during the Caravan of Services in Oslob, and has also been launched in six other towns, including Liloan, Argao, Pinamungajan, San Fernando, Boljoon and Alcoy.

“PYC aims to promote the total development of the Cebuano youth and to become self-reliant, economically productive and socially responsible citizens. Through this campaign, we envision that they themselves will be catalysts in bringing up to the public the right and salient information,” said PYC Executive Director Charlton James Canoy.

Canoy added that the campaign also emphasizes online sharing of information and making use of social media in order to build a network of support, better known as crowd sourcing.

PYC Planning and Operations head Anthony Dacalos said that the awareness campaign will soon launch its monitoring tool in March, in time for the Youth Action Planning.

“To ensure sustainability of the campaign, we want to look into how the youth have applied their learning. With the rampant use of social media in this digital age, we want to ensure that the youth will maximize their digital resources in resolving social issues,” Dacalos said.

This month, the PYC is scheduled to introduce the campaign in the towns of Dalaguete, Badian, and Sta. Fe.

“Local government units may send us a letter of request so we can properly schedule when we will be conducting the campaign in their area. We are encouraging municipalities to join us in this undertaking as responsible netizens,” Canoy added.

In line with this, the Provincial Information Office (PIO) will also conduct a seminar workshop for the youth from all over the Province this February 9 to 11 dubbed as the Capitol Youth Reporters Corps.

The workshop aims to empower the youth to be avenues of truth and to help in the fight against fake news.

The three-day workshop is also part of the campaign on responsible use of social media, as participants will be releasing their reports online.

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