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Your Gut Deserves Good Stuff



Little did we know that our gut has a crucial role in our health, safety, and survival. Making it so is a big deal. Our gut is a 9-meter-long organ with more than 800 folds, and if put out flat, it would cover a full-size tennis court. It includes 1.5 to 2 kilograms of germs and accounts for around 70% of your immune system. A healthy immune system depends on a gut microbiome that typically contains a wide variety of various helpful microorganisms. It is crucial for controlling your immune system’s response to infection or injury while preventing it from attacking healthy body tissue.

Our intestines are home to hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, each of which has a unique function in maintaining health and differing nutritional requirements. One specific vitamin that is an important element in the formation of proteins for immunity is Vitamin K. The production of several proteins is necessary for blood clotting and bone strength and is aided by vitamin K.

To increase the amount of vitamin K in our body here are some foods that are rich in it:

  • Green leafy vegetables such as alugbati/spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce
  • Food items made with soybeans and canola oil

In general, whole meals will encourage good digestion more than processed foods. The foods that are described above will supply the fiber required to foster the growth of beneficial bacteria and protect intestinal health. Processed foods frequently have extra salt, sugar, and fat. Additionally, it’s possible that throughout the food processing procedure, many of the original nutrients in processed meals were destroyed. (DMO II Gabe Henriel P. Sucalit, RND)

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