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World Vision: CoMSCA



The Community-Managed Savings and Credit Association (CoMSCA) recently held their first national event to discuss about the movement’s growth since its conception in 2009. Because of its support from NGOs, local government, churches, community organizations and cooperation among the 99,576 members, they raised a total of P187, 709,199.

CoMSCA is the flagship economic movement supported by World Vision Development Foundation Inc. with the hopes of changing the communities’ lives for the better. It started in Cotabato 7 years ago and has spread to over 23 provinces in the Philippines.


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for COMSCA Exhibit.

It is an efficient program because of its easy to understand principles, community-building opportunities and empowerment. Specially-trained CoMSCA agents come to each purok and hold informal seminars about the effective CoMSCA process. 10-25 purok members come together and equally save their shares (as agreed upon the members) in one savings box which is secured by 4 locks. Each individual is taught the ultimate savings formula: salary/revenue minus savings equals expenses.


An Interview with Mr. Nico Ninolas of COMSCA.

The level of responsibility and the communities’ lifestyle has changed significantly since its implementation in each community as people are taught to be responsible monetary stewards, and to create financial plans that cater to their livelihood, children’s education and to be prepared at the on-set of disasters.

For more information, visit their website at or email them at Follow them at wvphilippines on Facebook and Youtube; @worldvisionph on Twitter; and worldvisionphl on Instagram. They can also be contacted at +639323747618 to 20.


​Attendees wander through COMSCA Exhibit.

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