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Personal Finance

Why Using Cash for Discretionary Spending is a Smart Money Move



Graphics by ASC

It’s so easy to buy or pay for something nowadays. You can pay through credit and debit cards, digital wallets, and more.

However, it’s almost too easy, and we often end up spending more than we should, especially on our discretionary expenditures. Discretionary spending includes non-essential expenses like dining out, entertainment, vacations, and luxury items.

If not managed well, excessive spending on non-essential items can significantly impact our finances, leading to increased debt and reduced savings.

Fortunately, there’s a way to help you manage this: using cash for discretionary spending instead of relying on credit/debit cards or digital wallets.

Using cash for this can be a powerful strategy for managing your finances more effectively. Here are some reasons why:

Physical Connection

With cash, you see money leaving your wallet, making you more aware of your spending. This tangible experience fosters mindful spending habits.

Budgeting Control

By withdrawing a fixed amount of cash for discretionary spending weekly or monthly, you set a clear spending limit. This helps you stick to your budget and avoid overspending.

Debt Avoidance

Cash transactions mean you’re not borrowing money, eliminating the risk of credit card debt and avoiding high interest rates on unpaid balances.

Impulse Control

Using cash can delay purchases until funds are available, reducing impulse buying and promoting better financial discipline.

Cash is a tangible currency that helps you gauge your spending more effectively. It is also not as accessible as cards and digital wallets, so it can be a spending deterrent.

At the end of the day, having the discipline to stay within your budget is the most effective strategy. Hopefully, by using cash, you can better manage your spending and improve your financial health. (ASC)





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