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Why Michelle Obama is Not Just Another First Lady



In light of the recent plagiarism scandal of Melania Trump, Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008 resurfaced. This got me thinking of the many ways Michelle Obama has made her mark in history. She wasn’t just the “president’s wife” – she was her own.

Michelle refused to be just another first lady, because she knew she was more than that. She knew that she was capable of just being the biggest supporter of her husband.

She has continuously stood up for girls all over the world. With her program “Let Girls Learn”, she has taken the world in emphasizing and campaigning that girls have a right to education and have a right to be given the opportunity to reach their own dreams.

In numerous interviews Michelle had, she has continuously highlighted the fact that a lot of girls in the world are deprived of voices. These girls are left to abide under patriarchal societies that just tell them what to do, and be punished if they do not do so. Wherever Michelle goes, spreading the Let Girls Learn campaign, the women there start having voices and taking interest in education.

Michelle is a very educated woman herself, as she is a Harvard-graduate lawyer. She knows what education can do to people and how education can change lives as well.

Her daughters have followed in her footsteps as well, following their mother all around the world teaching children and girls how to read and write, and be educated.

With Barack Obama’s term ending, Michelle may be out of the white house, but for sure, she will never be out of our hearts, and millions of girls all over the world who now know that they have power too.

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