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What to Expect on the 50th Nutrition Month Launch



The National Nutrition Council Region VII through the Regional Nutrition Committee will hold a PPAN Service Caravan this coming July 01, 2024 at City Wing, SM Seaside City Cebu in celebration of the 50th Nutrition Month regional launching ceremony.

This year’s theme, “Sa PPAN: Sama-sama sa Nutrisyong Sapat Para sa Lahat!” (Through PPAN, let’s collaborate on nutrition security for all!) gives focus on the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition 2023–2028, which aims to reduce all forms of malnutrition across all life stages, and includes interventions that focus on healthier diets, better practices, and improved access to quality services.

This year, the region emphasizes highlighting the different services under PPAN and at the same time established a branded activity for the annual campaign through various activities. Holy Mass followed by the 50th Nutrition Month Parade will kickstart the month-long observance of its golden jubilee. This will be followed by a stickering campaign of Pinggang Pinoy among various food establishments, a Nutri Jingle Contest, and the launching program where different agencies and organizations will officially launch the various services according to different life stages like pregnancy, infancy, pre- and school children, adolescents, adulthood and elderly. Another highlight of the launching program is the “PPANalo” Service Caravan where participants can get a first-hand experience of these services from various regional government offices, non-government organizations, and partners.

NNC 7 Dr. Parolita A. Mission, NNC 7 Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator encourages the public to join the regional launching activity and avail the different free nutrition services and show their support to promoting proper nutrition. According to her, every individual has a valuable input in making sure that proper nutrition can be observed in every household which would impact the community as a whole.

Nutrition Month is an annual campaign established in 1974 by Presidential Decree 491, also known as the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. As we celebrate Nutrition Month this July, it is a great time to focus on choosing foods wisely and creating a healthy eating routine. To ensure nutrition security for all Filipinos, the noteworthy milestone necessitates collaborative work to execute the Philippine Plan of Work for Nutrition (PPAN) 2023–2028.

As the region continues to celebrate the month-long observance, a comprehensive social media campaign will feature the posting of streamers and mass delivery of the Nutrition Month pledge and prayer. Additionally, the Punong Barangay forum will engage local leaders in PPAN, while thematic seminars will provide in-depth educational sessions on healthier diets and better nutrition practices. The campaign will also include airing of radio plugs, appearances in various media outlets, and the innovative BNS Nutrition School online, all designed to spread awareness and promote better nutritional habits throughout the Central Visayas.

Through initiatives that include promoting the adoption of good nutrition habits, increasing access to high-quality nutrition services and enabling mechanisms, and enhancing the consumption of healthier foods, the PPAN 2023–2028 seeks to promote nutrition throughout all life stages. With it being the focus of this year’s campaign, NNC 7 encourages all government agencies, non-government organizations, business and private sectors, academe, local government units, and the general public to be one of the spoons and support PPAN, as we promote nutrisyon sapat para sa lahat! (DRDC)
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