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Waterfront Launched American Festival



The American Festival officially launched on July 2, 2016 at the Gourmet Walk, Waterfront Hotel and Casino.

The event opened with the ribbon cutting by the honored guests US Consul General Ms. Danna Blair, US Consul Agent Ms. Glen Loop and Waterfront Hotel and Casino General Manager Mr. Anders Hallden.

“This July 4 celebration marked the 240-plus anniversary of US independence and the 70th anniversary of Filipino-American friendship day. I think it goes without saying that we have an enduring friendship, partnership, military ties that have withstood the test of time.” Ms Blair said about the enduring ties the Philippines and America have.

Shortly after the ribbon cutting, one of Cebu’s pride and a finalist for last year’s The Voice Kids, Julian Salvado serenaded the crowd with Miley Cyrus’ pop song “Party in the USA.”

This two day event boasted of multiple car exhibits by Ford and Chevrolet and a motorbike exhibit by Harley Davidson. Discounted prices and promotions of various American brands such as Keds, Skechers, Sperry, among others were displayed at Gourmet Walk. A fashion show, a grand parade and more surprises awaited the guests.

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