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Wanang Book Launch



Bathalad-Ong Halad sa Dagang, Inc. (Bathalad) in coordination with the National Commision for Culture and the Arts present the Wanang Book Launch this June 13, 2015 6:00pm at Barako Haus.

Bathalad is known as the oldest poerty group in Cebu as it was founded on August 19, 1969. The group is known for writing purely on the Visayan dialect.

The poetry collection Wanang will include a collection of writers including Kei Valmoria Bughaw ,Mel Allego, Bambi Beltran, Jeremiah Bondoc, Romeo Bonsocan, Josua Cabrera, Shane Carreon, Anthony Kintanar, Russ Ligtas, Genica Mijares, Rolando Morallo, Nancy Noel Nacua, Radel Paredes, Karla Quimsing, Gloria Sommer, Erik Tuban and Cindy Velasquez.

The event is aldo brought to you by Barako Haus, Bomba!, Psychomonkey, The Nomads Quarterly and Tinta.

Barako Haus is located at JMaria Cristina corner Juana Osmeña Streets, Capitol Site, Cebu City.

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