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VocTech: Building Skills for a Bright Future



Cebu Technical Vocational Training and Assessment Academy Inc. or VocTech for brevity opened its doors last June 27, 2016 for high school graduates, K-12 program participants and individuals who are eager to learn and work for ICT companies here and abroad.

For a few years now, there has been a skill gap in the market for talented and hardworking workers due to the fact that they, more often than not, work abroad. With the ASEAN integration, bridging the gap locally is a primary concern in every industry. To help bridge the gap, VocTech introduces ICT curriculum, language courses and foreign linkages for an easy transition into the workforce. The institute promises to build individuals to become employable, sustainable, and ready for global integration.

“I have been in the Academe for more than 10 years and now (I am) in the IT Industry. I practically understood the importance of producing skilled individuals that will match the needs in the IT industry. VocTech answers the needs of the following concerns,” VocTech President Engr Andy I. Ralota said.

Having started an IT Solutions Company 3 years ago, Ralota had seen the need in the market for Fiber Optics technicians here and abroad. VocTech, he said, boasts of their partnership with OT Systems –a Taiwanese IT company- which helped provide for the equipment in VocTech’s Fiber Optic course.

“Our training curriculum, equipment, and materials are the latest in the market which will make our training more relevant. TESDA and K-12: our course programs are different from the rest. Not just because they are not offered by any other schools but they are also perfectly timed with our business and IT needs. Imagine, our students have the skills in the structure of fiber optics in copper, assembly or installation of solar panels; for even our website, graphics and animation are well-lauded. Most IT companies, real estate, BPO companies, even small and medium sized businesses will seek out for these talents. Eventually, (the VocTech graduates) will be bringing income and food for their families.”

VocTech offers Fiber Optics, Solar Panel, Premises Cabling, Mobile Applications Development, Web Applications Development, 2D/3D Animation, and Visual Graphics. The language courses they have offered are Japanese and Korean.

VocTech is located at the 2nd floor, BAI Center, Cebu South Road, Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu 6000. For inquiries, one can email them at, visit their website at or contact them at this number 0943-054-2776.

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