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Vigan Named Among New7Wonders Cities



The Philippines again grabbed the worldwide spotlight after Vigan City in Ilocos Sur was named one of the world’s New7Wonders Cities. Among the cities hailed in New7Wonders Cities includes: Beirut (Lebanon), Doha, (Qatar) Durban (South Africa), Havana (Cuba) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) La Paz (Bolivia), Vigan (Philippines)

New7Wonders Foundation made the announcement on its website on Sunday as it finalizes its search for seven cities that represent the global diversity of urban society. The seven were selected based on voting from people using the Internet, smartphone apps, international telephone voting lines and text messaging, report said.

Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, said they began with more than 1,200 nominees from 220 different countries and here have 7 that represent the global diversity of urban society.

“For the first time in human history, more than half of our planet’s population lives in cities and this election emphazises the dramatically challenging character of our changing world,” he said.

“We congratulate each of these cities on achieving their New7Wonders status, and we look forward to celebrating their election to the ‘canon of 7’ with their citizens in 2015. The New7Wonders Cites will now join the New7Wonders of Nature and the New7Wonders of the World in becoming part of Global Memory for humanity for ever,” said Weber.

New7Wonders Foundation is a non-profit, Swiss-registered foundation that aims to document and conserve works of monuments worldwide.

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