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Vietnam-Philippines Friendship Manifested in Rescue of 6 Pinoy Fishers in West Philippines Sea



(PNA) -– “They fed us, they gave us blankets, and a place to stay. For these, we are very thankful they took care of us,” said Cipriano Durban in tears, one of the six Filipino fishermen, who arrived Sunday afternoon at the Tide Pole Pier in this city after being rescued in the West Philippines Sea (WPS) jointly by the Vietnamese and Philippine navies on January 21.

Durban, who was declared in good health condition with five others by the navy doctor, who checked them, told members of the local press that covered their arrival that they are all thankful for the Vietnamese Navy on Pugad Island, West Philippines Sea that welcomed them when they needed to seek shelter there after their fishing boat suffered serious engine trouble.

They are also equally grateful to the Philippine Navy (PN) on Parola Island, where they stayed next after a Vietnamese Navy patrol boat took them there to be fetched.

Durban narrated that he, Gregorio Anghag, Fernando Ibañes, Manuelito Hisarza, boat captain Veronico Paitan, and Boy Conjelado left Mariveles, Bataan on January 2 on board their fishing boat Princess Maria Antonette en route to the disputed island reefs to catch fish.

However, their boat experienced engine trouble due to the broken transmission gear about 5 nautical miles away from Bataan.

Their boat drifted for 16 days with limited food provisions within the vicinity of Pugad, an island formerly occupied by the Philippines, but now being claimed by Vietnam.

“When we saw the island, and it shone bright with lights at around 10 p.m. on January 18, we hoped that we will be helped to get home so, we can see our families again. The Vietnamese soldiers on the island at first had their guns pointed at us, but we understand because we’re all strangers,” he said.

At first they could not understand what they’re being asked, but later on the night of the said day, a ranking Vietnamese official, who knew English arrived and asked them where they were from.

“The officer asked us what was our mission and nationality; we said we’re Filipino fishermen and very hungry for we had nothing to eat in many days. Then they gave us noodles, and then rice,” he said.

After being helped, Durban said that on January 21, they were loaded to a patrol boat by the Vietnamese Navy and turned over to Philippine troops stationed on nearby Parola Island.

Commodore Manuel Natalio Abinuman, who was at the Tide Pole Pier with other military officers and men, told the Philippine News Agency (PNA) that the act of kindness of the Vietnamese Navy toward the Filipino fishermen was noble one, and should be emulated by other claimant countries of the West Philippines Sea.

“We are happy because the help extended by the Vietnamese Navy will further strengthen our friendship with them. Of course, if the same thing happens to their fishermen, we will do the same and rescue them,” Abinuman said.

WESCOM’s Vice Adm. Alexander Lopez said “We are very grateful to our friends from Vietnamese Navy. We value this very noble act of cooperation and collaboration between Philippines and Vietnam that are after the safety and security of life at sea.”

The six fishermen were turned over Sunday too, to the Palawan Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) that will assist them to go home to their families in Bataan.

PSWDO Officer Polly David said they will be provided temporary shelter in the city until their tickets have been processed. (PNA) CTB/CARF/SSC

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