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UN Chief Arrives in Cairo for Talks on Gaza



Cairo (PNA/Xinhua) — United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Cairo on Monday afternoon for talks with Egyptian officials on methods of achieving ceasefire in the strike-stricken Gaza Strip, official news agency MENA reported.

The Israeli offensive against Gaza, which started on July 8, has left at least 548 Palestinians killed and 3,300 injured, according to Gaza Health Ministry spokesman. The rockets of Gaza-ruling Hamas movement left a dozen of Israeli soldiers dead.

Egypt offered last week an initiative to achieve ceasefire in Gaza unconditionally. The proposal was welcomed by all concerned parties excluding Hamas, which rejected the idea of ceasefire without a comprehensive solution.

Ban is currently on a regional tour that includes Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority for discussions on reaching a ceasefire in the restive enclave.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is also expected to arrive in Cairo later on Monday over the ongoing crisis in Gaza. (PNA/Xinhua) JBP/JSD

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