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Uber Launches PH First Ever Cash Payment in Cebu



Uber team graced Circa 1900 Restaurant, Thursday, July 7, as they announce the company’s first cash payment option in the Philippines – and it’s happening in Cebu!

The international company is known for the efficiency of transportation they provide at a  push of a button, as well as its cashless method of payment that provides less hassle to its customers.

Laurence Cua, General Manager of Uber Philippines, explained how there is a “bigger clamour” coming from the commuters in Metro Cebu for a cash method of payment considering that they are “not so willing to provide their credit card details for the payment of their rides.”

EJ dela Vega, Uber Cebu City lead, announced that Uber will offer 50% off in Cebuano’s first 5 rides. This is in line with the company’s campaign #CelebratingCebu.

Uber aims to encourage people to reconsider buying cars and go for Uber rides instead. Cua mentions how this may start small, but it can be big and contribute to lessen traffic and car usage all over the world.


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