Two More Buses for Cebu City
The Cebu City government on Thursday received two slightly-used passenger buses from the officials of Yokohama City, Japan.
Toru Hashimuto, director general of Yokohama City’s International Technical Cooperation, personally delivered the buses to Cebu City Hall that were happily accepted by Mayor Michael Rama.
Rama is hoping that there will be more assistance for Cebu City from the first class city of Japan, saying “I’m sure that there will be more donations coming.”
The Japanese official quickly confirmed that Yokohama City government will provide more assistance for the Queen City of the South.
Rama also thanked the Junior Chamber International-Yokohama of its great help by shouldering the transportation expenses of sending the vehicles to Cebu City.
Rene Plarizan, head of the city’s transport services division, said the donation of two Yokohama buses brought to 27 the number of city-owned buses that can be used to respond to the needs of the city residents.
(Image Credit: Facebook Page of Cebu City Protocol Office)