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Two Industry Giants Foster Partnership In Real Estate



Leuterio Realty has fostered partnership with Insular Life in an effort at providing better service to their respective clientele in line with the business of real estate service. The partnership is based on the fact that a particular insurance product, the mortgage redemption insurance or MRI, is a basic requirement in real estate transactions involving loans.

Anthony O. Leuterio, owner and manager of Leuterio Realty disclosed, “This is the first time any realty has partnered with an insurance firm. Our purpose is to serve our clients better, and to be able to advise them on the best services available for their convenience.”

Leuterio Realty and its sister company Filipino Homes is the country’s fastest growing brand in real estate service. It has a wide network of licensed sales agents and brokers spread all over the Philippines.

According to Pedy D. Arela, GA president and general manager of Insular Life, “This sort of partnership is only forthcoming; the insurance product we are focusing on is a staple in real estate. Once you loan, MRI is immediately needed.”

Established since 1910, Insular Life is probably the oldest insurance company in the Philippines that outlasted the biggest calamity in history, World War II. Recently, Insular Life was one of the first to respond to victims of Typhoon Yolanda, setting up centers in the stricken areas in Tacloban.

Both companies are wholly Filipino-owned and share the same vision of providing Filipino families the best services and opportunities for a better life.

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