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Treat Yourself to These Nutritional Health Secrets



Canadian Health Food Association’s in-house holistic nutritionist, Michelle W. Book, shares her secrets to feeling fabulous all year.

“Many of us find it difficult to keep healthy, happy and energized throughout the winter,” Book begins. “There are physical and emotional reactions to the season, which can cause our bodies to shut down. Being a busy professional and new mother, I’ve experienced the added stress factor that comes when you throw winter into the mix. What if I come down with a cold? How will the baby react to our ruthless winters? Will the winter storm make me late for work?

“Parents are stressed out and starved for time, and as a result, a healthy diet and good nutrition can easily be forced to take the back seat. As a holistic nutritionist and busy mom, I understand the importance of nutrition. I believe good health starts early and must include the entire family. Our constant on-the-go lifestyles make fast, pre-packaged and processed foods the staple for many households, and these foods unfortunately lack the nutrition necessary for growing bodies and active adults.”

To ensure that her family is getting all the essential nutrients to stay healthy and happy throughout the winter months, Book says she always has these four supplements around:

1. Omega-3 supplements are extremely important because the human body cannot produce the fatty acids. Studies have shown that omega-3s have many benefits, such as improving cardiovascular health and cognitive development, reducing inflammation and stabilizing mood. Foods high in omega-3 include flax seeds, walnuts, salmon and sardines. Since these are typically not favourites for kids, you may want to talk to your health care practitioner about supplementation.

2. Multivitamins are great because they are an affordable “insurance policy” for the entire family. For many of us on the go, a side of vegetables is not usually a staple. Some days, the only fruit your kids may get is a glass of orange juice, which is still packed with sugar. If you can’t remember the last time your family sat down together for a meal or if your kids would rather clean their rooms than eat fresh fruit or vegetables, you may want to consider a multivitamin to fill any nutritional gaps.

3. Probiotics help balance our digestive tract, which is important because it eliminates harmful bacteria, toxins and other waste products from our bodies. When we make poor food choices, suffer from chronic stress and are exposed to environmental toxins, the balance in favour of good bacteria can shift. This can cause a variety of problems, including a worsened immune system. Even if you eat well, probiotics can round out your diet for optimal health.

4. Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and muscles, especially in children and the elderly. There is growing evidence that vitamin D may reduce the risk of some types of cancer, particularly colorectal and breast cancers. You can get vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, in your diet (especially if you eat foods fortified with vitamin D, such as fish or eggs), or by taking supplements. In Canada, from late October to March, the sun’s rays are too weak to produce vitamin D in our skin, and most of us are deficient in the “sunshine vitamin” as a result. That is why the Canadian Cancer Society recommends that adults talk with their doctor and consider taking a supplement during the fall and winter months.

Additional tips on natural, healthy living are available at

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