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Travel Packing Hacks: Fit All Your Luggage Without Buying a Bigger Bag



Graphics by ASC

Sometimes your travel bag’s space is not enough to fit all your luggage. You might be thinking of buying a much larger bag, but you don’t have to.

There are ways to fit your luggage in your bag and maximize space by using tried and tested packing methods. They’re a game changer, and you’ll be surprised at how much more you can fit in your bag.

Here are two packing methods you can use to help you fit your luggage:

Rolling Method

The rolling method is a popular technique that helps save space and reduce wrinkles. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Lay Flat: Lay your clothes flat on a clean surface.
  2. Fold and Roll: Fold the clothes in half lengthwise. Start rolling from one end to the other, keeping the roll tight and compact.
  3. Place in Bag: Place the rolled items tightly next to each other in your suitcase.

This method works well for most types of clothing, including t-shirts, jeans, shorts, and casual dresses.


  • Use Rubber Bands: To keep the rolls tight and prevent them from unraveling, secure them with rubber bands.
  • Fill Gaps: Use small items like socks and underwear to fill any gaps between the rolls.

Bundle Wrapping Method

The bundle-wrapping method minimizes wrinkles and makes efficient use of space by creating a central bundle around which clothes are wrapped.


  1. Start with a Core: Begin with a small item, like a pair of socks or underwear, as the core of the bundle.
  2. Wrap Larger Items: Start with your larger items, like jackets or dresses. Lay them out flat, place the core item in the center, and wrap the clothing around it. Continue adding layers, working from largest to smallest items.
  3. Secure the Bundle: Once all items are wrapped around the core, place the bundle in your suitcase. The tightly packed bundle helps prevent wrinkles and maximizes space.


  • Order Matters: Start with the largest items and end with the smallest to create an even and compact bundle.
  • Use Packing Cubes: For added organization and compression, place the bundle inside a packing cube.

You don’t really need to buy a larger travel bag to fit all your luggage. By using these popular packing methods, you can maximize your bag’s space. Happy travels! (ASC)





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