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Trattoria Da Gianni: The Guidicellis’ Muses And Meals



Homemade. Home-cooked. Warm. Inviting. Italian. Those are the words that would describe Trattoria da Gianni, ‘a small Italian restaurant by Gianni.’ It was upon the honor of their late grandfather, Gianni Guidicelli, that Gianluca and Giorgia Guidicelli –a father and daughter tandem- built this Italian restaurant. With the aid of the culinary prowess of Gianni’s previous helpers, Antonia and Jean, this Italian restaurant is made even more heart-warming.

Their menu comprises of a wide array of anti-pasti, bruschettas –Italian bread with various delectable toppings-, pastas, salads, main courses, and many more. This restaurant is situated in Crossroads Banilad. It opens at 10 am to 11 pm on weekdays and from 11 am to 11 pm on weekends. For updates and such, find them on facebook at or follow them on instagram at @trattoriadagianni.

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