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TLE Teachers Undergoes Sarok Making Activity



Teachers of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) of public and private schools in the town of Consolacion underwent Sarok making activity in line with Executive Order No. 11. Series of 2019.

Sarok is a native hat made of thin woven bamboo strips and banana leaves. It has been part of the lives of every Consolacionanon way back in the year 1920’s.

Today, Sarok is being used and sell all throughout the Philippines.

The subject of the said executive order is the integration of Sarok-making in the school curriculum.

The 3-day Sarok making activity aims to make TLE teachers familiar in making a Sarok especially the Sarok Festival in Consolacion is fast approaching.

Sarok Festival is celebrated every 6th of February.

54 teachers from different elementary and senior high-school joined the said activity.

Pamela Bacus, Tourism Head of Consolacion said that the activity’s main purpose is to preserve the Sarok industry and to recognize it.

Executive no.11 also states that “Sarok is used to protect and secure the farmers from pouring rain and raging heat of the sun which was necessary considering that the town is an agricultural area”.

Meanwhile, Consolacion Mayor Joannes “Joyjoy” Alegado said that Sarok Festival is also in line with the centennial celebration of the town.

Alegado added that Sarok is one of the town’s income generator since their town is popular in making one. (MLC)

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