This Bike Will Purify The Air
A group of designers and engineers from Bangkok-based Lightfog Creative and Design won a Red Dot aware for their air-purifying bicycle designed to scrub polluted air while cruising down the street.
The concept is that a frame between the handles bars would filter polluted air, scrubbing it of particulates. The frame itself would work on a ‘photosynthesis system’ that generates oxygen through a reaction between water and electric power from a lithium-ion battery, the by-product of which would be clean oxygen for everyone.
“We want to design products which can reduce the air pollution in the city. So we decided to design a bike because we thought that bicycles are environmentally friendly vehicles for transportation,” Creative Director Silawat Virakul told FastCoExist.
“Riding a bicycle can reduce traffic jams in a city. Moreover, we wanted to add more value to a bicycle by adding its ability to reduce the pollution,” he added.
No prototype of the bike has been developed so far and how the air-purifier bike would work is yet to be determined.
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